Activity 5.1 –17 things to do to Save the Planet

Inform the people about environmental problems. (Mazahreh,2017) 
Make people aware of the situation of their country/state/region in order to motivate them to do their part. For example, whit the use of electronic billboards. (Mazahreh, 2017) 
Installing technology and use environmental solution to make your house efficient like using rainwater holding tanks. (Mazahreh, 2017) 

Recycle water for all purposes, including for drinking. (Mazahreh, 2017) 
Supply the necessary tools to people for free like water-flow regulators in order to empower them to make the difference. (Mazahreh, 2017) 

Training business to reduce their water consumption. In this way, water saving habits can reach everybody, not only in their home but also at work. (Mazahreh, 2017) 

Prefer plants that require less water to grow in agricultural business in order to save in watering. (Mazahreh, 2017) 

Build strategic urban water reservoir. (Mazahreh, 2017) 
Create collaboration between producer whit their all entire traders, manufactures, brands, retailers, but also NGO, civic society and scientist to come together to find solutions. (Clay ,2010) 

Gather people around environmental problem for find, but also demanding environmental solution. (Fee, 2017) 

Reduce consumption by using less. (Clay, 2010) 

Be more conscious of our action for example by not flushing plastics and other thing down the toilet. (Fee,2017) 

Involve bigger producer in environmental issue. In fact, they can leverage production of sustainable products much faster than consumers. (Clay,2010) 

Make the entire production more sustainable to conserve raw material. (Clay,2010) 
Use private companies' voluntary standard from the best sustainable producers are doing and use them to increment government regulation. (Clay, 2010) 
Work as a single, group or for NGO to restore natural environment for example cleaning the beaches. (Fee,2017) 
Buy reusable and sustainable products instead that single use one. For example, using water bottle, reusable bag, reusable tampon etc. (Fee,2017) 

Work Cited: 
Clay, J. (2010). How big brands can help save biodiversity [video]. TEDGlobal. Retrieved from

Fee, N. (2017). Why plastic pollution is personal [video]. TEDxBristol. Retrieved from 

Mazahreh, L. (2017). 3 thoughtful ways to conserve water [video]. TED@BCG. Retrieved from 


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