
Showing posts from December, 2019

Activity 5.1 –17 things to do to Save the Planet

Education   Inform the people about environmental problems. (Mazahreh,2017)   Perception   Make people aware of the situation of their  country/state/region  in order to motivate them to do their part. For example, whit the use of  electronic billboards.  ( Mazahreh ,   2017)   Conservation   Installing technology and use environmental solution to make your house efficient like using rainwater holding tanks. ( Mazahreh ,   2017)   Recycle water for all purposes, including for drinking. ( Mazahreh ,   2017)   Political   S upply the necessary tools to people  for  free like water-flow regulators  in order to empower them to make the difference.  ( Mazahreh ,   2017)   Training business to reduce their water consumption.  In this way, water saving habits can reach everybody, not only in their home but also at work.  ( Mazahreh ,   2017)   Agricultural   Prefer plants that require less water to grow  in agri

Activity 4.2.1 – Applying My Environmental Policy Frameworks.

Problem Statement    Hydrofracking has been used for decades in the United States. However, recently, new and different method have been used to extract deeper deposit of gas or oil.  This new system work injecting sand, water and other chemicals at high pressure into rocks. There are many potential dangers associated to hydrofracking. First, the gas storage underground is very closed to source of drinking water. So, the chemicals used during fracking might contaminated the water we drink causing health problems like cancer (Cohen,2014). Also, hydrofracking release methane during the process. Methane gas might end up in the water as well and make it unsafe to drink. Moreover, the methane gas that does not go into the water, it is released into the atmosphere.     Ethic There are many theories about environmental ethic and people have different idea about how important the environment is and why. In this assignment, I will talk about only one of the existing environm