Six-Point Critical Analysis of Current Event (Activity

1. Exploratory       
In Georgia, solar power is a very important resource. In fact, in Dalton there is the largest solar panel assembly in the Western Hemisphere. Silicon Ranch and Green Power EMC had partnership together creating Hazelhurst Solar Farm II. This solar farm is large around 500 acres and additional 450 acres are reserved for future expansion. This project is composed by 630,000 solar panel that work 24/7 thanks to a new technology that allow them to rotate during the day maximizing the amount of energy collected.Hazelhusrt is three times the size of Hazelhurst Solar Farm I, which proves how much solar power is growing in Georgia. (Silicon Ranch, 2017)

2. Diagnostic       
In the present time, non-renewable resources are the most popular sources of energy. Natural resources are somethings we use every day to meet our need and produce energy. Some natural resources can be quickly replaced by the environment and they are called renewable resources. Others need very longs time to be replaced or they are simply limited, and they are called nonrenewable resources. Nonrenewable resources must be used carefully in order to don’t run out of them. Solar energy is a type of renewable energy. So, it is a good alternative to non-renewable sources like and traditional fossil-fuel sources, such as coal, oil, and natural gas.

3. Cause and Effect         
Traditional forms of energy are not only usually made from non-renewable sources, but they are also higher in carbon emissions. So, not only fossil-fuel sources of energy deplete natural resources whit no possibility of a quick replacement. They also produce pollution, especially carbon emissions. Furthermore, the world energy consumption continues to rise as well as the human population. Continue using fossil-fuel source of energy is not sustainable for the environment and will soon bring us to the point where those resources are no longer available to be used. For this reason, renewable energy as solar energy are good alternative that can replace or supplement traditional form of energy. Hazelhurst Solar Farm II is a good example of the importance of solar energy. In fact, in the solar farm “We don't have pollution. We don't have smell. You know, there's just nothing. They're just there."( Hsu & Kelly, 2019).

4. Priority     
Using alternative energy can be beneficial under many aspects. Most alternative energy are also renewable energy, so they are “unlimited” since they can be renewed very quickly. This is the case of solar energy. Solar energy is the ultimate energy source driving life on earth and many human activities. Whit modern technology, it now possible to collect the solar energy coming from the sun and transform it into electricity to use. Photovoltaic panels are the one that made this transformation possible. “Photovoltaics use semiconducting materials such as silicon to produce electricity from sunlight. When light hits the cells, the material produces free electrons that migrate across the cell, creating an electric current” (Mutiti, S, Mutiti, C., Manoylov, VandeVoort & Bennett, 2018).

5. Application       
Sun is an inexhaustible source of energy that can be used to supplement or even replace fossil fuel sources. Solar energy is a clean form of energy that does not produce carbon emission and other pollution in transforming solar energy to usable electricity. Also, the cost of installing solar panel “has fallen by more than 70% in the past decade. With that dramatic drop in price, solar is now cost-competitive with traditional forms of energy, even natural gas” (Hsu & Kelly, 2019). Solar energy also create jobs so is beneficial in many ways for the society. For example, the Hazelhurst Solar Farm II created 600 new job position in the city of Dalton (Silicon Ranch, 2017). Furthermore, solar energy can be also used from everyday people. In fact, it is possible to use solar panel on business building, but also school and even personal residency. Solar panel are not only beneficial for the society and the environment. They are also a resource for individuals. Installing solar panel on your house allow you to save money on bills and use clean energy to supply your home.

6. Critical 
I think that solar energy is a great alternative to fossil fuel. It is clean and it is one of the few real inexhaustible sources of energy. Using solar energy do not deplete the sun so it can be used whit no consequences. It is also very accesable for industry as well as normal people. However, I still have my concerns about solar energy. In fact, manufacturing photovoltaic cells still generates some hazardous waste from the chemicals and solvents used in process. Also, conventional fuel sources, such as fossil fuels, are in manufacturing photovoltaic cells, resulting in the release of greenhouse gases during manufacturing. However, I do believe that solar energy is the future and I am confident that soon there will be a green alternative process for manufacturing photovoltaic cells.                                 

Work Cited

Hsu, A., & Kelly, M. L. (2019, June 24). How solar grew in Georgia despite lack of mandates on renewable energy. National Public Radio. Retrieved from
Mutiti, S., Mutiti, C., Manoylov, K., VandeVoort, A., & Bennett, D. (2018). Introduction to environmental science (3rd ed.). Biological Science Open Textbooks. University System of Georgia.
Silicon Ranch. (2017.). Silicon Ranch Hazlehurst II Project on Georgia Farm Bureau TV. Retrieved from


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