
Showing posts from November, 2019

Six-Point Critical Analysis of Current Event (Activity

1. Exploratory                             In Georgia, solar power is a very important resource. In fact, in Dalton there is the largest solar panel assembly in the Western Hemisphere. Silicon Ranch and Green Power EMC had partnership together creating Hazelhurst Solar Farm II. This solar farm is large around 500 acres and additional 450 acres are reserved for future expansion. This project is composed by 630,000 solar panel that work 24/7 thanks to a new technology that allow them to rotate during the day maximizing the amount of energy collected.Hazelhusrt is three times the size of Hazelhurst Solar Farm I, which proves how much solar power is growing in Georgia. (Silicon Ranch, 2017) 2. Diagnostic                                   In the present time, non-renewable resources are the most popular sources of energy. Natural resources are somethings we use every day to meet our need and produce energy. Some natural resources can be quickly replaced by the environment and the

Activity 4.1 – US Environmental History and Major Regulations.

Timeline of major US federal environmental laws Around 1850, United States was becoming more urbanized compared to the early colonial era, while the population was approaching 25 million with an increase rate of 3-4% per year. More and more people were moving to live in the city and the population became more literate. The impact of this growing started to create concern among people so that by mid-19 th century, three main groups were formed: the “resource efficiency” group, the transcendentalist movement, and organized industrial interests. It is important to understand their position because those groups “came to have profound influences on the way we thought of ourselves in relation to the environment, on our land use policies, and on providing environmental goods and services to the growing population” (Theis & Tomkin, 2018). The past agricultural practices were inefficient and during 1800, the population was seeing the result of those unsustainable practice.

Activity Current Events in Plastic Pollution

Six-Point Critical Analysis Worksheet 1. Exploratory                                     Plastic pollution is the accumulation in the environment of plastic that creates problem to wildlife as well as humans. Plastic pollution is one of the major environmental issue and many are the nation that decided to take action about it. In fact, more than 60 nations are taking action to reduce single-use plastic in many ways like imposing bans or taxes. For example, Canada is banning single-use plastics. Also, in Europe, the European Union’s parliament decided to ban the most common single-use plastics object usually found on their beaches. They are also working on recycle 90% of plastic bottles by 2025. India has in the work eliminate all single-use plastic by 2022. (Howard, Gibbens, Zachos, & Parker, 2019) 2. Diagnostic                                         Plastics is used for a variety of purposes in our society. Plastics is part of cars, smartphones, televisions and

Activity 3.3.3 – My Plastic Use

 A collage of every plastic I get in contact with in only one-day   Definition of microplastics    Microplastic are small pieces of plastic which size is less than 5 millimeters. Microplastics consist in a polymer chains of Carbon and Hydrogen bound together plus other chemicals typical of plastic material. They can be divided into Primary Microplastics and Secondary Microplastics. Primary Microplastic are small plastic element already present in the product. Some example of Primary Microplastics are microbeads found in personal care products or plastic fibers used in synthetic textiles. Secondary Microplastics are instead formed from the breakdown of larger plastics exposed to weather conditions.   (Rogers, 2019).   Where they are found    Microplastics are founded almost everywhere. They are mainly founded into the ocean water as well in freshwater. They are not only in the water, but they are found also in fishes, mollusks and in general in the ocean and